This sweet new Tim Hortons TV spot about an immigrant arriving in Canada for the first time makes me cry. There, I said it. A damn doughnut shop ad makes me cry. I'm a loser.
It's not the first time. My all-time favorite is this one from a few years back about an Asian-Canadian family and hockey.
Gets me every time.
But why?
The answer is simple and something that marketers tragically forget most of the time. Marketing's objective might be to sell more product but advertising's goal is a little different. It's about communicating a marketing message by connecting with an audience on an emotional level.
It's about telling a story.
There are a lot of opinions as to what makes us human. But I think number one on that list is our need to tell stories, so we can better understand and learn lessons from each other. If you ever wondered why the Bible or Macbeth or East of Eden or The Godfather are still with us, it's because they are some of the best stories ever told.
And it's why Tim Hortons commercials make me cry. (Don't make me admit it again.)
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